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How did you get involved with HCB?

Daniel our ex President approached me when there was an open slot on the committee and thought it would be a good thing to have someone with an IT background to help modernise some of the systems.

What do you do as a committee member?

When not in a pandemic! I've been organising the badge draws, making sure our website and email and tv displays continue to do what they are supposed to, and provide a certain... hotness to the committee ;)

What’s the best thing about being on the committee? The worst?

Best thing is hearing how much people enjoy events and how much fun they had. Always good seeing hard work pay off! The bad is probably the flip side of that.

What would you say to someone who is thinking of getting involved with HCB?

Stop putting it off and just do it! We always need volunteers on the doors on Friday and Sunday, at our regular events, etc. THe pay isn't great (HAHA!!) but you WILL meet new people and if you're shy its a great way to poke you're head out of your shell and strike up a conversation with someone you wouldn't normally talk to! But lets be honest its all about the pay... :P

What do you do in between your HCB commitments?

Work, Work, Work, play video games, play with my dogs, enjoy a lazy night watching trashy TV.

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